So, with the passage of time, we have developed several on line presences and they are scattered all over the internet. I have been advised by some who know far more than I do that I should integrate these, you know, pull them all together in one place. I tried to do that with our web page at http://www.crawforddogandcathospital.com/ but not everyone knew about that.
I tried to do it with our facebook fan page , Crawford Dog and Cat Hospital /Black Forest Kennels. Check it out and become a fan for updates. It will let you know when I post here on this blog, or somewhere else. I even use the same logo for all of our sites. (Shout out to Justin for his design).

You can follow me on twitter, www.twitter.com/knvet. Those posts tend to be the most frequent and are not always animal related. (They can also be a bit more snarky as up until now no one really knew that it was me)
I have a rather extensive network of business contacts on Linkedin. Check that out at http://www.linkedin.com/pub/keith-niesenbaum/4/617/a0a.
There are also a couple of other places that you can find us on the web. I am an independent distributor of an excellent, holistic dog and cat food line called Life's Abundance and information can be found at http://www.thevetschoice.com/ It's the food that I feed Cookie, my intrepid Shih Tzu and many of my clients think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. You can sign up for a newsletter on the web site, no obligation. Give it a try, you can always cancel by unsubscribing. (like anyone ever unsubscribes to anything)
We also have an online store that is currently selling veterinary theraputic diets shipped directly to your home. It is your source for Hills Science Diet, Purina, Royal Canin, and Eukanuba veterinary diets. Check it out at http://www.petsneedfood.com/. (you'll recognize the logo, I just got tired of posting the same picture on the blog time and time again.
So there it is in a nutshell. Most of the places you can find me on line. Check them out and stay in touch. Oh, and feel free to comment so that I don't feel like I'm blogging into empty outer space. Vets need feed back too.
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